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Bawk! Bawk!


Joining us in 2019 are eleven sweet and curious garden companions, our chickens!


Several different breeds were selected and raised by hand from the age of one day old.  Our breeds are Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Barred Plymouth Rock, Welsummer, Easter Egger, Golden Laced Wyandotte and Blue Laced Red Wyandotte.  All are cold hardy to endure our harsh NJ winters and excellent producers of large brown or blue eggs, depending on the breed.


Our girls are provided with a steady supply of fresh water and organic feed.  They enjoy interacting with gardeners especially when they are being brought a treat such as insects, greens, and even nutritious weeds!   


Garden volunteers pitch in to collectively share in the care of our flock and will soon also share in the benefit of fresh, organic eggs.

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